president & vice president
adalbert and sally tanyi
founders of cameroon bible training centres
Pastor hal and martha Rahman
Adalbert is a lover of Jesus Christ and a minister of the Gospel. He is a husband, a father and a Christian brother who loves the Lord above all else and loves people. His greatest desire is to coach people and see them reach their full potential in Christ. He is an author of the “Foundational Principles of Christianity” and an ordained/licensed minister with the Apostolic Churches of Pentecost (ACOP). He is a visionary, founder and director of the Calgary Bible Training Centres also known globally as the Canadian Bible Training Centres. He has been operating the CBTC since January 15, 2015. Adalbert has a Master Degree in Water Resources Engineering from Lund University, Sweden. He felt called to go into full time ministry and enjoys serving people. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Divinity with Christian Leadership University, USA. Adalbert also serves as an elder in his local church (Calgary Full Gospel Church).
Sally Tanyi is the co-founder and vice president of the Calgary Bible Training Centres. She is a wife, mother and teacher and loves the Lord Jesus Christ with all her heart and loves people. She has a Master Degree in Public Health from Malmo University, Sweden and works as a coordinator for people with developmental disabilities. She graduated from the Cameroon Bible Training Centres in 2003 along with her husband Adalbert Tanyi and they felt led to start a Bible Training Centre in Canada. She is a dedicated woman of God and loves to teach, pray and work. She is very hard working and dedicated in what she does.
Sally TANYI, Vice-President
Thankfulness is mine as I was raised in a Christian home and came to faith as a child. I am a graduate of Eston College. Married to my beautiful wife Barbara; we have two children and four grandchildren. I was in the business until God directed by pathway into ministry full time. I have been a full-time pastor for about thirty years, which was a joy and delight to me. Along with pastoring I was Regional Director in South Saskatchewan for nineteen years overseeing twenty churches. Teaching and imparting truth to others is a great blessing. I enjoy teaching in the areas of relationships, marriage, family, leadership and finance.
Ernie metz
I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour when I was eighteen years old. I attended a Baptist Church for many years. My favourite subjects are teaching on the Holy Spirit and Prayer. In 2014 I dreamt about a couple who was in my church who was at a school as myself. The dream revealed to me that the enemy was holding them back from something. When I awoke from the dream I prayed about it and after a period of time, felt led to share it with the couple. Adalbert and Sally Tanyi, confirmed the dream was a word from God for them to start a school but their was warfare. In 2016 I graduated from Calgary Bible Training Centre, after which Adalbert and Sally gave me the opportunity to teach on prayer. My hearts desire is to see the Body of Christ equipped and mature to walk in the fullness stature. It is my passion to see myself and others grow more into image of Lord Jesus Christ.
Two of my favourite scriptures are:
Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Born and raised in Romania, Alinda and her family immigrated to Canada in 1997. Trained as an engineer, she became a certified HR Professional and built a career in the manufacturing environment. However, the calling to teach was imprinted on her heart from a very young age and was woven into both her secular and spiritual life. She served the local churches in various capacities but the baptism in the Holy Spirit changed her trajectory completely. Together with her husband, they are now serving as full time missionaries in Romania. The revelation of the Blood Covenant transformed her understanding of God’s sacrificial love and she is sharing with passion about the power of the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus. Experiencing divine healing herself, being trained and equipped in this area by specialized ministries, she is imparting that understanding as well. Many other teachings are very close to her heart and together with her husband they started a Bible Training Center in the heart of Romania. Additional focus is on inner healing and marriage ministry. Alinda and Chris have been married for 34 years, have four children and four grandchildren.
Trudy Asher, a mother and grandmother, born and raised in Alberta, lives a life of passion and purpose for Jesus. Taking joy in being a positive influence in the lives of those around her. Her greatest desire is to see everyone enter into their “Secret Intimate Place with Jesus” and to know and fulfill their calling. She is a published author with the “International Poet Society”, and served as worship leader and prayer councillor on missionary trips to Jamaica, France, Finland and the United States. She also joined a prophetic team traveling to Israel in 2019. Privileged to be a third year graduate at the CBTC, her favorite topic’s to teach are on healing, prayer and the Holy Spirit. Training and equipping all who desire to know and understand the spiritual gifts available them so that they may also disciple others in following Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
trudy asher
Dale is Sr. Pastor of Calgary Full Gospel Church. Dale has been teaching the Word of God for over 30 years, with a focus on intimacy with Jesus, prayer, and the Spirit filled life. Dale and his wife Cheryl have been married for 35 years and have two children and two grand-children.
pastor dale,
calgary full gospel church
Dianna Seymour is a wife, mother and grandmother whose heart is to see the body of Christ walking in victory with complete freedom from their past into God's purposes and plans for their present and future. She was born again in November 1984, radically transformed by God's power, healed and delivered from an abusive past. She received miracles in her own life and has witnessed many miracles through her ministry and ministries she has been involved with. She has seen first-hand when we chase God, we catch him. She felt God calling her into ministry and graduated from Bible College in Hamilton, ON and received her ordination. She has given leadership to women's ministries as well as being involved in healing and deliverance ministry. She has travelled and preached in churches and at women’s conferences. She has done teaching seminars to launch the body of Christ into the works of ministry. She also served as the associate pastor in their local church in the Okanagan in B.C. Currently she is involved in her local church, Calgary Faith Revival Church and is also an instructor at Calgary Bible Training Centre. Her heart is to see the students grab hold of truths and apply it in their lives so that they become fruitful in the Kingdom of God. She has authored 2 books:
· “From Hand Me Downs To The Designer’s Label: A Story About the Power of Forgiveness.” This book is a must for anyone who is struggling with unforgiveness and bitterness.
· “The Fruit of The Spirit: To Be Like Jesus” which is an in-depth bible study that is a must have for every church.
My name is Marg Pasay, I was married to my husband Merion for 45 years, 20 years ago he went home to be with the Lord, we have four children two girls and two boys, And five grandchildren. I came into the kingdom almost 50 years ago during the charismatic days in the early 70s, I basically fell into the kingdom totally out of desperation to know God, a friend handed me a four spiritual laws booklet, and I was born again that day not having any understandings of the Scriptures. But I’m grateful to the Lord that by His Spirit He has opened the word of God to me, I love to read and study and teaching the Word has been such a joy to my heart
Ephesians, righteousness, ministry gifts, Character of God, King and His kingdom, Doctrines of faith, Bible doctrines, Spiritual growth, Holiness in the Lord, Discipleship , character of God, and Bible doctrines are courses I would be honoured to teach. It has been a pleasure to be a part Of the Calgary Bible training Centre.
I grew up in my native country- Cameroon where I found the Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I later moved to Europe and Canada for educational and career reasons. Here in Calgary am so bless to be part of this great work the the Lord is doing at the Calgary Bible Training Center, what a privilege to serve God in this generation?
Thirty-one years old from El Salvador. Brayan came to Canada at age 14, barely knowing the English language. For many years, Brayan lived in a world focused on worldly pleasure, surrounded by the wrong crowd with drugs and violence, money and women. All the things he thought brought happiness to him, only lead him to an emptiness that he never understood. Until he had an encounter with love of Christ on the 27th of August 2016.Prior to that day, Brayan hit a very low point in his life, only relying on drugs to keep himself going, thoughts of ending his life and no sense of purpose haunted him. On that day of August 27, Brayan’s uncle, a pastor shared his testimony of Faith and redemption through Christ and its as if he was reading his life story, of feeling lost with no way out. Since then his life changed. God’s grace and mercy brought Brayan into a path of healing and reconciliation. He started attending church, learning God’s word and fell in love with the Spirit of God everyday. Time passed and God restored his relationship with his parents and brothers, opened opportunities of work, freed him from the chains of addiction and lust. God continually blesses his home with his wife and daughter. Now, he serves in Iglesia Betesda, a church for the Latin/ Canadian community, and translates the service in English - something he thought he could never do, but what’s impossible to man is not impossible to God.Brayan heard about Calgary Bible Training Centre (CBTC) driving home from work one day on Shine FM and was captivated by the yearning of equipping disciples for the great work of God. He started 1st year in 2017 and completed the program in 2020. CBTC taught him many areas of discipleship, from listening and discerning the voice of the Spirit of God to equipping and preparing for evangelism and apostleship. Many years of mentorship from the wonderful leaders and teachers of this program, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and God’s Grace have given Brayan the opportunity to evangelize and minister in Mexico and El Salvador, all for the honour and Glory of God. Now, Brayan hopes to spread the goodness of the Lord for He has changed his life for the better, knowing exactly how it feels to be hopeless but now has freedom in His name.
BrAyan Valiente
Paulette has a passion and love for the uncompromising integrity of the Word of God. After attending Masters College in Ontario, Canada, she graduated with a three year Ministerial Diploma in Bible. Paulette went onto complete a B.Ed.and B.A. (with a major in English and a minor in Classical Greek and Roman History) at Memorial University.Paulette has spent over 30 years in ministry and has travelled extensively to over 25 different countries. She helped co-found and Pastor a successful growing church and helped plant several Christian schools. She has been active in the field of education as a teacher, an administrator, and a principal in both the public and private sectors as well as with homeschooling. She is an author and public speaker. One of her greatest blessings has been the privilege of being the Mother to three amazing children who have brought much joy into her life. Paulette feels called to equip and strengthen the church through helping people find their purpose and place in God’s end time army. She is called to be a catalyst in awakening this sleeping giant so that it can rise up and become the mighty army that God has destined it to be.
My name is Jonathan Scott and I am an alumni of CBTC. I gave my life to Christ at a young age, but like the prodigal son, I left the church and hadn’t been home for 15 years. In 2016 God came running at me and set my heart on fire. With my renewed faith, I have been on a nonstop journey seeking the Lord ever since. I love to teach because it brings life and helps equip others with the Truth of God and who we truly are in Him. I have a passion for Evangelism and Healing, as well as Demonology teaching. I feel all of these coincide with each other to do as Jesus did: to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons and preach the Gospel.
Jonathan Scott
pastor brant,
University of calgary church
At age 25 because of my struggles with depression and anxiety, and because I had a very broken heart I became fully addicted to drugs and lost everything in my life. I was in a very dark and desperate place when I cry out to God and asked him if He was real and if He could save me. A lady I know showed me the love of Christ, she helped me get into a rehab centre called The Calgary Dream Centre. There, another woman of God invited me to her christian church, and it was here where I broke down crying and gave my life to Christ for the first time. I graduated my recovery program at the Dream Centre and start attending school at the CBTC. Today I am a resident of Canada and I am awaiting exited for what God has next in store for me, It is an honour and a privilege to be part of the CBTC family and humbled to be one of the teachers.